Training team

Employability skills are embedded within our training courses

Our rehabilitation and intervention courses are run by our lived experience team. Our lived experience team are ex-prisoners who now have become mentor role models for inmates to show them it is possible to break free from the cycle of violence, drugs and crime. Their role within the AP Foundation team is to provide first peer interventions for inmates as well as vulnerable youth in the community and to act as ongoing mentors.

Lived Experience

Only ex-offenders and prisoners truly understand the reality of what it’s like to live behind bars, the trauma and frustration of loss of freedom. This shared experience, which no one from the outside can understand, creates a unique trusted bond between prisoners. ‘Lived Experience’ prisoners in turn have an expert view of what works, what doesn’t inside the prisons, and how to avoid the box-ticking money-wasting exercises which fail to deliver on their promises. AP Foundation brings to the table a Lived Experience team, each with their own story and who have turned their lives around.

Connected Learning Journey and Experiences

AP Foundation advocates a joined-up approach with each programme tracked and evaluated thus providing real value for the individual as they progress on their resettlement pathway. ‘Learning by Doing’ – taking the lessons from programmes and having hands-on experience not only produces cost efficiencies but also extends the learning experience for participants. These learning-by-doing opportunities will be offered our new AP Foundation media hub where participants can create content for the rehabilitation/trauma programmes.

Frequently Asked Questions
What Does AP Foundation do?
AP Foundation CIO is a charity for, with and about crime prevention and youth intervention. We work to improve support, services, and recognition for ex-offenders who wish to turn their lives around. Our vision is that ex-offenders and returning citizens can access the help they need to build a brighter future.
What is the AP Foundation Network?
The AP Foundation Network is a group of organisations from accross the UK that have partnered up to offer training and employment services.
Who Does AP Foundation work with?
We work with a wide range of organisations and groups inluding;
Other Charities
Training Acadamies
UK Government Agencies
Criminal Justice System
We like to work with anyone that shares our vision and values.
Learn more