Free knife crime prevention workshops for Greenwich Schools
20 free knife crime prevention workshops for Greenwich schools

Enter the coupon code GREENWICH when booking
With thanks to generous funders in the Big Give campaign, we are able to offer 20 free knife crime prevention workshops for all schools based in Greenwich. But be quick, when they're gone, they're gone!
All of our programmes are heavily subsidised, but Greenwich schools pay nothing - a £260 workshop for you is now free! Simply enter the booking code GREENWICH when booking to receive your 100% discount.
Our exhibition based in Islington is a short walk from Farringdon underground station, now easily accessible from Woolwich and Abbey Wood via the Elizabeth line.
Over 5000 young people a year visit our workshops.
Our knife crime prevention workshops are delivered from our award-winning exhibition. Through a series of interactive and immersive experiences, young people follow the journey of both the victim and the offender. They take part in quizzes, immersive theatre, role play and activities, intrinsically designed to teach them how their choices can lead to positive consequences.
The award-winning workshops change young people’s attitudes to knife crime; debunking the myth that carrying a knife will protect you. They strengthen peer values; ensuring young people give better advice to each other and make positive choices to stay safe.